Motherhood is hard...but it is also amazing.

 Just as the title reads...motherhood is hard, so damn bloody hard some days. 

It's been quite a few months since I last even opened up a blank page and just wrote what came to my mind and the truth is I'm just so busy being a mother. I rarely get 5 minutes to myself and when I do I just want to sit and not think or worry and just enjoy the silence.. the background noise with no screaming, fighting or over excited children. I'm also just too tired to even type most days, because running around after 3 very energetic little boys is very tiring! Life lately has got somewhat very busy over the past few months and I'm needed even more than before! 

Some days I feel like I've lost myself to motherhood.. but my life is basically me being a mother but sometimes I feel like I want my life to have more adventure and more excitement but then other days I feel like I have everything I want and need already. Maybe I just need that little extra self care time to myself...

But the truth is, I love nothing more than being a mother and there is nothing better than hearing 'I love you' when they wrap their arm's around me and hug me tight, but making sure im always the last to let go because you never really know how much they needed that little squeeze. 

My 3 boys are my best achievement in life and i know its easy to moan about how tiring and lonely and worrying motherhood can be but it can also be so rewarding, amazing and full of pure love.  ❤️ 

Anyway finished rambling now! Hoping to get back to writing more soon. 

Thanks for reading 📚 😀 

Emma xox


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