Dear Future Husband...

 Choosing you to be my boyfriend 6 and a half years ago was one of the best decisions i ever made in my life. Even better now that i get to call you my fiance. 
My life changed for the better, from the moment we started chatting to each other and it just gets better every day because i have you by my side. I know you'll read this and think i'm being 'cheesy' as you like to call it, but today i felt like writing about you. How much i appreciate you and how much i really do love you. 

Maybe sometimes you feel under appreciated? We all do sometimes. But the truth is, we wouldn't be living this life if it wasn't for you. You go out to work everyday, no matter if you feel like it or not. You work your ass off (half the time)😉.
I do appreciate all the little things you do for us, like when you know i'm stressed or need to sit down, you will clean up after dinner. You will bath the children and get them ready for bed. You will drive me where ever i need to go. You make me a cup of coffee every morning when you're home. You kiss me goodnight every night before you fall asleep and tell me you love me and to sleep well. I love that you rub my back everynight before you to to sleep. It's those little things that i appreciate so much, more than you will probably ever know. 

You were there to hold me during the hard times in my life and on the stressful days you sit and hold me and tell me it'll be okay. 
You sat by me and held my hand while i squeezed the feeling out of yours while i gave birth. You have always been so hands on with the children from the moment they were born. You tried so hard to help me to successfully breastfeed, you didn't judge me when i couldn't do it. You told me it was okay and at least i tried. You support me in everything i do, and for that i truly love you. 

Thank you for being the bestest friend, daddy and fiance. 
Thank you for making me feel loved, cared for and for making me feel special. 
And thank you for showing me what real true love was and is. I'll always appreciate you and all the little things you do for us, even if i don't show it. Thank you for always being that one person we can count on, no matter what. You always make me feel like i'm 'on top of the world'. 

i love you, forever and always...❤


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