Welcome to my life..

welcome to my first ever blog, i've only ever fantasized about writing one of these but here we are. 
Now i'm thinking, how should i start? Do i tell you a little about myself, about my life.
My name is Emma & i suppose there is one thing you know about me from my blog name, i am a mother to 3 wonderful & beautiful little boys. I have a 5 year old, 2 year old and a 16 month old, & yes as you can imagine life is very interesting. 

Basically being a mother is my full time job, it may not seem like a job to everyone else but some days it can feel like it to me! Just as i am writing this my 5 year old is doing his absolute best to annoy me and is laughing about it. I'm trying my best to think about what to write while my 3 children run around screaming like they are being chased by a crazy cat. 

Becoming a mother 5 years ago definitley did change my life & for the better. It is probably one of the hardest things i've ever had to take on, motherhood. It challenges you, it tests you and it can be one of the loneliest things ever, but not in the sense that you have no one, because you can be surrounded by people but still feel lonely and there has been plenty of times i've felt like that. 
I'm thinking maybe i will make my blog all about parenthood, give you the good, the bad & the ugly. You think your are going into parenting feeling prepared, but you're probably anything but! All the questions that rush to you in the hospital before giving birth, "how will i know how to hold my baby" "what if i hurt them while getting them into their first little outfit" "what do i do when they cry"...but honestly it just comes naturally to you. I asked myself all of the above, but as soon as my 1st baby boy was born, it came to me like i'd been doing it all my life & you just seem to get the hang of it and go along with it as you go & that first rush of love when they're placed in your arms or into your chest is one of the best feelings you will every feel.

I will leave this short and sweet for now, until my next one! I hope you enjoyed reading my first ever blog and learning a little about me, i'm sure you will be learning a lot more about me and my life in my next few blogs. 

Good bye for now teacakes! 

Emma xox


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