When Mummy Says She Needs A Break...

It really means I needs a break!
Like a proper break, not just that 2 minutes of locking myself in the bathroom while the kids are on the other side of it banging on the door. Or the 10 minute shower i get to myself with someone usually interrupting. 
A break meaning time alone, away from the little people that take over every minute of my life. 

Taking or needing a break away does not mean i don't love my children. I need some time for myself, for my own mental health which i think is very important. 
Spending time away from our children does not make us ungrateful, or incapable of being a good parent. It can definitely help refresh us and clear our heads. 

Everyone's idea of a break is different, it could be 5 minutes to one person or 5 hours to another. One may like to go on holiday and one may just take a day out on their own. But my ideal break would be 1 or 2 nights away, somewhere i could spend all day lazing around and not having to worry about cleaning, cooking or running around after a little monster all day! Where i could have a nice bubble bath in peace, with no disruption. 

No parent should ever be judged for admitting they need a break. It is only natural that we need time to ourselves. Needing a break from being a mother does not make me a bad mum, and maybe that is why sometimes it can be hard to admit to myself that i do need one. But let's be honest, wouldn't it be nice to not have to hear the word 'mummy' about 1,000 times in 10 minutes!!
We are entitled to not love everything about motherhood and we are also entitled to have days where we just don't love motherhood at all! 
You're still a brilliant mother even if you have those days. 
So run a bath, take a walk, read a book even if its something small, it can probably make a lot of difference to the mind. 

Thanks for reading😊

Good bye teacakes! 

Emma xox


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