
Showing posts from September, 2021

Dear Future Husband...

 Choosing you to be my boyfriend 6 and a half years ago was one of the best decisions i ever made in my life. Even better now that i get to call you my fiance.  My life changed for the better, from the moment we started chatting to each other and it just gets better every day because i have you by my side. I know you'll read this and think i'm being 'cheesy' as you like to call it, but today i felt like writing about you. How much i appreciate you and how much i really do love you.  Maybe sometimes you feel under appreciated? We all do sometimes. But the truth is, we wouldn't be living this life if it wasn't for you. You go out to work everyday, no matter if you feel like it or not. You work your ass off (half the time)😉. I do appreciate all the little things you do for us, like when you know i'm stressed or need to sit down, you will clean up after dinner. You will bath the children and get them ready for bed. You will drive me where ever i need to go. You

I'll Miss These Moments Once There Gone

 I will miss my child climbing up onto my lap to cuddle into me. I will miss my child asking me to hold them.  I will miss them asking to join me for a cuddle in bed. I will miss just sitting watching them toddle around giggling. I will miss watching them sit together playing.  One day they will call me mum instead of mummy and i will miss that.  They won't need to hold my hand to cross the road.  They won't need me to walk them to school anymore.  They won't need me to wash their hair or watch them splashing around in their bubble baths.  I will miss carrying them to bed when they fall asleep in my arms or on the sofa beside me.  I will miss picking up their toys to put away once they are finished with them.  I will miss them waking me up in the night just to get in beside me just to be cuddled back to sleep. I will miss wiping their messy little faces. I will miss stroking their hair while they lay on me.  There are so many things i will miss once they grow up and get old

Before i was a mummy

 I never tripped over toys thrown around the living room. I didn't worry about baby proofing the house. I didn't have as many sleepless nights or early mornings. Id never been puked on, pee'd on or pooed on.  I never got so happy over the tiniest things. I never cried because i couldn't take away your pain.  My heart never broke because i'd had a bad day and felt like a terrible mummy.  I had full control over my mind and my life.  I could go out whenever i wanted. I could fall asleep and wake up whenever i wanted.  I never held a baby and not wanted to put him down just because he was peacefully sleeping on me.  Before i was a mummy  I never appreciated the smallest things in life. I never new i could love someone as much as i love my boys. I never looked at someone and felt like my heart could explode with love. I never played silly games or made silly faces as much as i do now.  I never danced around the kitchen just to make yous laugh.  I didn't know my life

When Mummy Says She Needs A Break...

It really means I needs a break! Like a proper break, not just that 2 minutes of locking myself in the bathroom while the kids are on the other side of it banging on the door. Or the 10 minute shower i get to myself with someone usually interrupting.  A break meaning time alone, away from the little people that take over every minute of my life.  Taking or needing a break away does not mean i don't love my children. I need some time for myself, for my own mental health which i think is very important.  Spending time away from our children does not make us ungrateful, or incapable of being a good parent. It can definitely help refresh us and clear our heads.  Everyone's idea of a break is different, it could be 5 minutes to one person or 5 hours to another. One may like to go on holiday and one may just take a day out on their own. But my ideal break would be 1 or 2 nights away, somewhere i could spend all day lazing around and not having to worry about cleaning, cooking or runn

Dear Uninvolved Family

It's sad that you don't care enough to come see us, to bother with my children. You rarely ask us how they are. You don't ask to spend time with them, to take them to the park, the cinema, for a walk or just have them over on the weekend.  It truly breaks my heart that you don't spend enough time with them and for that, they barely remember who you are.  I won't ever beg anyone to be apart of my children's lives, because in the end it is you who is missing out on all the love, the fun,the memories, the hugs, the kisses and their achievements.  It always baffles me how anyone could just ignore their existence, brush them off like they aren't important. It makes me sad when i look at their innocent little faces and to think that there is people who don't want to watch them grow up or make enough effort to be in their lives. I cannot force anyone to be there or take an interest in my children but i can love them enough so that they don't need anyone els

My life as a stay at home mum

 Being a stay at home mum is fun but it can also be hard. Some people think that we have it easy and that we are 'lazy' but that couldn't be any further from the truth. I think people forget that staying at home with your children 24-7 isn't just all fun and games and that actually it can be quite tiring, frustrating and lonely. Some days when my partner is working i can go hours without having an actual adult conversation, i mean i can talk to my 5 year old but it just isn't the same as talking to an adult.  Don't get me wrong, i absolutely love being a stay at home mum, but i do also have bad days where i wish i had a job to escape to, because sometimes we all just need 5 minutes to ourselves but these days with 3 kids, it is quite impossible to have. No matter what i am doing i always have a child at my feet. Going to the toilet, i can bet you one of them will be right behind me, trying to sneak some chocolate, they will instantly sense that i am daring to ea

5 things you aren't told before you become a parent!

Hi, welcome all. Today i'm going to be writing about things we aren't told before becoming a parent. I can bet you will relate to at least one or two of these! 1. The Anxiety Now this is i feel is such an important one. I have never suffered more with anxiety than i do now as a mother to 3 little people, who rely on me to care for them, love them, feed them and keep them safe and protected. It is a hard thing to talk about, and to live with some days. Some days i feel like it can take over my life, it can take a hold of me and i won't want to leave the house, in fact i probably won't want to do anything but i'm unable to hide away until it rides over, because i have 3 little boys who depend on me, who i have to put a brave face on for and pretend i'm okay. But it does get better, i do still have some really good days and the anxiety, i will just let it ride over me and i will pretend it isn't there! Never forget that if you have ever felt like this or worse,

Welcome to my life..

welcome to my first ever blog, i've only ever fantasized about writing one of these but here we are.  Now i'm thinking, how should i start? Do i tell you a little about myself, about my life. My name is Emma & i suppose there is one thing you know about me from my blog name, i am a mother to 3 wonderful & beautiful little boys. I have a 5 year old, 2 year old and a 16 month old, & yes as you can imagine life is very interesting.  Basically being a mother is my full time job, it may not seem like a job to everyone else but some days it can feel like it to me! Just as i am writing this my 5 year old is doing his absolute best to annoy me and is laughing about it. I'm trying my best to think about what to write while my 3 children run around screaming like they are being chased by a crazy cat.  Becoming a mother 5 years ago definitley did change my life & for the better. It is probably one of the hardest things i've ever had to take on, motherhood. It chall